Sunday, February 3, 2008


Bidandi's open letter to Museveni

Bidandi SSali P.O.Box 1725
Kampala 29th Jan 2008.

His Excellency,
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
Republic of Uganda
Your Excellency,

I salute you and wish you a peaceful 2008.
This time round I address you as a former colleague at the helm of the Governance of this/ country..............

Mr President a caution about the Kenya debacle. The media has been a wash with Uganda's involvement in what is happening in Kenya.
Unfortunately, there has been no categoric response about these accusations from you. It is absolutely important and imperative that your Excellency distance your self and the people of Uganda from the unfortunate events taking place in Kenya.

Otherwise posterity the people of Kenya and indeed of Uganda will hold you personally accountable for the disintegration of our sister neighbour and the destruction of lives and property which has so far claimed over 700 innocent Kenyans. Of course the consequences shall be dire to our country.

One does not need to emphasize the fact that Kenya is the life line of Uganda and Rwanda. It is completely absurd to expect that sending troops to Kenya under the guise of protecting Ugandan transit goods will provide the answer as that Country disintegrates into a Somali fiasco.

Please let us people of Uganda through you mend fences with the people of Kenya and the sooner the better. Let us align our selves with them and not with either of the protagonists. Let us join them in finding a solution which to me should be advocating for a fresh elections supervised by the African Union and the United nations.

Let us prevail on Mr. Kibaki to resign and leave room for a government of national unity which he or Reila Odinga should not head, and whose main task shall be to prepare for fresh elections within a period not exceeding one year.

For God and my country.
Bidandi Ssali
Former Colleague in Cabinet

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